Policy Work

Universal Income Project is working to develop policy proposals and design guidance for universal income and guaranteed income programs at the federal, state, and local level. By incorporating the principles of universal inclusion and unconditional cash into policy design, we can unlock new, transformative ways of dealing with many economic and social challenges that people face today.

Benefits Access & Equity: Universal Income Project is working to elevate focus on access and equity in benefits programs and tax credits, including a particular focus on the benefits of universal program design.

Just Futures Fund: Developed in partnership with the Institute for Assets and Social Policy in the Heller School at Brandeis University, the Just Futures Fund is a national universal basic income policy proposal that aims to address not just income insecurity, but asset poverty and wealth inequality as well, approaching the policy with a racial justice lens.

A Progressive Universal Basic Income: For universal basic income to fully embrace the principles of inclusion and equity, it’s critical that the program not leave anyone behind and not be financed at the expense of other support programs for struggling Americans. In this article, Universal Income Project co-director Sandhya Anantharaman lays out her vision for a truly progressive implementation of UBI.